Uniting diverse footsteps outdoors to create a more peaceful and equitable world for womankind.

amwe-"together" (pronounced amoy)
a word meaning together, shoulder by shoulder in Kii Tharaka,
The native tongue of our partners in Tharaka, Kenya.
Amwe movement is a cross-cultural organization that brings together women-identified folk and their allies to trek for peace. Locally, we band together to walk, bike, and backpack the land to restore our ancient and essential belonging to one another and the earth.
Globally, we weave together community in Tharaka, Kenya and California to explore solidarity and allyship through united outdoor movement events. Amwe rides, wanders and roamings serve as a collaborative means to raise funding for women's health, entrepreneurship and peace initiatives. We believe that humans have a lot to learn from one another.

Amwe envisions a world in which our united physical movements outdoors serve to catalyze movements on the societal and systemic whole.
Amwe movement is exploring how we can work together beautifully. We unite in outdoor movement events across nations to walk and ride, sweat, and sing with these questions alive in our bones. We do not claim to know the answers of how to do this work. It is a humble and messy matter of listening. We are joined together at this poignant time in history to honor the questions. This project is an inquiry, a starting point, a living and moving prayer for togetherness, an invitation for you to be part of this conversation.


2022-2023 Ride Funding Results
a little goes a long way.
10,507 individuals screened for Cancer in rural Kenyan communities through Naledi Medical Camps
6,000+ collective miles cycled by individuals joined together representing over 8 defined tribes
1000 Neem tree nursery planted & grow bags gardens exploding from doorsteps in Tharaka
1000 households received a month of Emergency Food during stage three drought in Samburu/Turkana
23 Women's small business started via trainings and seed grants with in the Tharaka community
6 Community led trainings programs hosted on table-banking, community planning, sustenance gardening, soap making
35 cancer positive women receiving emergency cancer treatment (chemo/surgery/meds) through NHIF health insurance coverage
23 households of women and children receiving 2yrs worth of basic health care provided via NHIF healthcare
3 Cancer Support Groups sprouting up in Chukka, Tharaka, and Meru​
1 Widow Support Group started in California inspired by Kenyan tradition
196 individuals joined together in California inspired by the sense of community represented in Kenya
1 Latrine (community restroom) built
​Countless Random Miracles: Elders biking with us in the streets of Kenya in rainboots and bikes with no chain, volunteer doctors & gynecologists screening 3,000 people in one weekend for free.Donations of bread, gear, mentorship, handmade soups, fiddle tunes and surprise cakes by people we have never met. Aunties, uncles and grandmas pooling money for the good womankind. Biking in the dark, biking in the rain, biking farther than we knew we could. Lives saved, skills learned, unfamiliar people turned to family.
​Amwe In The News
Watch-Amwe Kenya’s Ride in the News Clip
Want to unite footsteps for peace in your community? Get in touch with Amwe Movement to learn more about our work and how you can get involved. As a brand new project our arms are wide open to your feedback, wild ideas, inquiries, and thoughts.
Don't be shy! Let's create.