Amwe Kenya
Bike Name: Mr. Greenz Worldwide
Robert is the founder of Naledi Initiatives- a Kenyan non-profit serving rural women and girls in Tharaka. He serves as a transformational facilitator, dynamic teacher, and powerful mentor, inspiring emerging leaders who carry revolutionary visions for uplifting their communities and lives. Robert was the first to complete primary school in his family lineage and the first to pursue a Ph.D. in his community. He is a passionate crusader for education, socio-economic empowerment, and social justice. Robert serves as the president of Rotary Club in Kenya and as a mentor for the Institute of Emerging Visionaries. Robert's laugh will melt you.
Amwe California
Bike Name: Honey Mama
Kenz is a lover of belly laughs, fiddle tunes, honeybees, and journeys through the mountains. Currently she serves as therapist in training (AMFT) and outdoor guide for women's groups, teens, and folks with diagnoses amongst the Central Coast. She is endlessly curious about how we can utilize movement outdoors as a platform to build equity, solidarity, and peace amongst humans of all kinds. Find her guiding with Outside Now, Adventure Club SLO and Journey's Rites of Passage or dancing around Kenya.

Tharaka, Kenya
In the bush of Eastern Kenya, is an indigenous pastoralist village of strong, resilient, belly-laughing Tharkakan women. Here in Co-founder Roberts home village is a group of 24 vibrant women who fittingly have named themselves the "Makenna (joy) Women's group". The Makenna Women's Group has been meeting every Thursday Morning at 6am on this rock face together for years to sing, table bank, and start small businesses to sustain themselves and their children. They are incredible hosts, dancers, farmers, natural builders, basket weavers, mothers, and entrepreneurs. These women are bursting with an abundance of cultural wisdom & tradition to share. Most of our Amwe efforts focus on exchange and support with this vibrant group. We have much to learn from one another.
All over.
Institute of Emerging Visionaries
Shauna Mistretta
Vanessa Stone
Alexis Slutzky
Rafaelle Abramovitz- Naretoi
Alyia Rosenberg
Lynn Matis
We are a product of those that come before us, thank you for your wisdom.